Which information can IP filtering technologies use to make packet-forwarding decisions?(Select three.)

source IP address

destination IP address

port address 

Which option in the Microsoft NOS periodically checks for software patches and upgrades via the Internet?

Windows Update 

Which list contains only specific types of DoS attacks

Ping of Death, TCP SYN, Teardrop, and Smurf 

Which Red Hat Linux utility allows an administrator to either select DHCP IP configuration, or to specify a static IP address along with the associated netmask, gateway, and primary nameserver?


In Linux, what is the first program that takes control of the boot process from the BIOS?


On a Linux server, which file is usually the best place to locate error messages that have been generated but not displayed on screen?

system log 

Which statement is true about the use of passwords in the Linux operating system?

Passwords are case sensitive. 

What is the term given to a group of independent computers working together as a single system?


While booting a Linux server, the booting process stopped and the 'LIL-' error code was displayed. What does this indicate?

The disk descriptor table (/boot/map) is corrupt. 

In a Linux system, the set of recent kernel messages is known as the kernel ring buffer. Which command displays these messages?


Which command in Linux is useful to help resolve printing problems?



What is the maximum amount of down time a mission-critical application can have during the course of the year if the application has a 99.999% availability requirement?

5 minutes 

The graphic displays output from the dmesg command. Where are the messages coming from?

the kernel 

Which TCP/IP utility prints information about network connections, routing tables, and interfaces?


Which Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) level is also known as disk mirroring?


What is the name of the signal that a network administrator sends to remotely power up a computer that has a NIC with WOL technology capabilities?

magic packet 

What is the simplest and most recommended method of creating a custom emergency boot disk for Linux?

Modify one of the existing boot disks.

 What is the term for a commercial facility whose system backup services include server hardware and other equipment?

hot site

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The Internet poses many security issues. What is characteristic of Internet security for corporate networks?

 Internet protocols have an inherent lack of security and Internet rules have loopholes that can be exploited. 


What can be used to repair security 'holes' in software?

 a security patch


Which layer of the OSI reference model is involved when an access list denies traffic to a specific port?

Layer 4 

/sbin/ipfw/add allow tcp from any to 80 What does the 80 signify in the ipfw configuration statement

well-known port for web servers 

What is one security advantage that magnetic access cards have over physical keys?

They allow the authorization to be revoked from a central server 

Which of the following are characteristics of a good password policy? (Select two.)

It should expire passwords after a specified time

It should require passwords that are a mixture of letters and numbers 

Which term describes an insecure host that has a permanent Internet connection and is used in a DDoS attack?

a zombie 

What is the purpose of a firewall?

preventing unwanted or malicious IP packets from reaching a network 

What can be done with a packet when using packet filtering?

It can be forwarded, dropped, or processed. 

What should an administrator do before installing a major software upgrade on a production server?

test the results on a test server 

When does it make sense to use a NOS as a firewall solution

if there is a low-traffic environment 

What is the first step in creating a security policy for a company network?

Define an Acceptable Use policy 

Which layers of the OSI model are examined in the most comprehensive form of stateful packet filtering?

3, 4, and 7 

Which agency discovers and studies Internet-related security vulnerabilities?


What is one method of implementing a firewall?


What is the only 100 percent effective measure to protect the network from outside attacks?

Disconnect from the outside network. 

Which type of DoS attack uses three-way handshaking to leave multiple 'half-open' connections?


Which of the following are examples of biometric security devices? (Select two.)

fingerprint reader

retinal scanner 

NAT is a process used to protect local networks from hackers. Which list of items applies to NAT?

It rewrites the addressing information in IP packets.
It protects private IP addresses from the Internet.
Outside hackers cannot directly reach private IP addresses.

When do software manufacturers release security updates?

when vulnerabilities are discovered and fixed


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ayas mau berbagi pengalaman nuii..
cara nyembunyiin folder segak ketauan ketauannya. langsung aj gan tancaap gass! mari kita aplikasikan cara membuat SUPER DUPER HIDDEN FOLDER . tujuannya sih buat nyimpen folder-folder yang rahasia banget. pura-pura jadi agen FBI gitu.

cara 1
buat folder kosong... dan ga usah di kasih nama....


rename folder tersebut truz pncet tahan tmbol alt n ketik 255 >>>> Enter

yak folder tanpa nama sudah rampung di bwat.

cara 2
ganti icon folder trsebut....mnjadi icon yg ga ad gmbarnya..
click kanan folder yg tadi >>> properties >>> customize >>>change icon >>> truz cari icon yg ga ada gambarnya (pasti ada) >>> ok..

sekarang udh ga kliatan foldernya kan...
ehhehh jngan sneng dlu.... msih ad bberepa trick lge.... biar jadi SUPER DUPER HIDDEN FOlDER (S.D.H.F).....

cara 3

buka "cmd" klau ga tw "command prompt" .

pencet tanda windows di kibor sambil mencet huruf R . terus menuju folder yang dimaksud di driver tempat disimpannya folder itu . .


C:Users\namague\ >cd . .


C:>D: (pindah drive)

D:>cd [nama folder]

stlah di buka. masuklah ke drive dmna.. di dlamnya ad folder yng mw di S.D.H.F..
stelah msuk .. ketik lah printah attrib +s +h trus pencet than alt sambil tetep ketik 255 >>> Enter..

example ::

misal letak folder di drive d:
D:attrib +s +h pncet alt than n' ketik 255 [ Enter]

S.D.H.F sdah slesai d bwat....

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sekarang dari PHP beranjak ke MySQL. Structured Query Language.
ayo gan!!

Terdiri dari :
a. Database : tempat yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data yang dikelompokkan pada tabel-tabel.
b. Data : kumpulan karakter/simbol yang mempunyai arti
c. Tabel : kolom dan baris . dalam database Kolom disebut field dan Baris disebut Record.



Tipe Data MySQL :
a. Char : tipe data karakter
b. Varchar : tipe data karakter, yang pada saat diisi hanya karakter yang diinput yang tertulis walaupun data tidak sepanjang batas yang telah diberikan. Jadi lebih hemat memori.
Terbagi atas :
a. Tipe data
b. Key : Superkey , candidate key, primary key
c. Length : menentukan panjang data

Macam Tipe Key :
a. Superkey : sekumpulan field yang memiliki atribut yang menjadikan suatu data bersifat unique.
b. Candidate : atribut yang bisa dijadikan kunci primary
c. Primary : Satu atribut yang dijadikan kunci dan bersifat unique.

Pengelompokkan atribut .
a. Sederhana : bersifat atomik / tidak dapat dipisah-pisah lagi
b. Komposit : masih bisa dipisah-pisah lagi
c. Bernilai tunggal: yang memiliki satu nilai pada baris datar
d. Harus bernilai : atribut yang wajib memiliki nilai
e. Null : atribut tak wajib memiliki nilai

Menjalankan MySQL lewat command prompt
1. buka command prompt anda dengan mengetik CMD pada box RUN
2. silahkan masuk pada direktori tempat anda menginstall WAMP anda
3. misalnya :
C:Documents and Setting\User>cd..
C:Documents and Setting>cd..
C:>cd wamp
C:wamp>cd mysql
C:wamp\mysql>cd bin
C:wamp\mysql\bin>my sql –u root
4. ini masih baru cara masuk ke mysql lewat command prompt . kapan-kapan kita sambung lagi ya gan . . ohoho~

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sekarang dari PHP beranjak ke MySQL. Structured Query Language.
ayo gan!!

Terdiri dari :
a. Database : tempat yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data yang dikelompokkan pada tabel-tabel.
b. Data : kumpulan karakter/simbol yang mempunyai arti
c. Tabel : kolom dan baris . dalam database Kolom disebut field dan Baris disebut Record.
01 Ari
02 Ayi

Tipe Data MySQL :
a. Char : tipe data karakter
b. Varchar : tipe data karakter, yang pada saat diisi hanya karakter yang diinput yang tertulis walaupun data tidak sepanjang batas yang telah diberikan. Jadi lebih hemat memori.
Terbagi atas :
a. Tipe data
b. Key : Superkey , candidate key, primary key
c. Length : menentukan panjang data

Macam Tipe Key :
a. Superkey : sekumpulan field yang memiliki atribut yang menjadikan suatu data bersifat unique.
b. Candidate : atribut yang bisa dijadikan kunci primary
c. Primary : Satu atribut yang dijadikan kunci dan bersifat unique.

Pengelompokkan atribut .
a. Sederhana : bersifat atomik / tidak dapat dipisah-pisah lagi
b. Komposit : masih bisa dipisah-pisah lagi
c. Bernilai tunggal: yang memiliki satu nilai pada baris datar
d. Harus bernilai : atribut yang wajib memiliki nilai
e. Null : atribut tak wajib memiliki nilai

Menjalankan MySQL lewat command prompt
1. buka command prompt anda dengan mengetik CMD pada box RUN
2. silahkan masuk pada direktori tempat anda menginstall WAMP anda
3. misalnya :
C:Documents and Setting\User>cd..
C:Documents and Setting>cd..
C:>cd wamp
C:wamp>cd mysql
C:wamp\mysql>cd bin
C:wamp\mysql\bin>my sql –u root
4. ini masih baru cara masuk ke mysql lewat command prompt . kapan-kapan kita sambung lagi ya gan . . ohoho~

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Saya Barusan Dapat tugas ni akhir-akhir ini . saya mau berbagi ilmu saja dengan para pembaca. Tugas PHP membuat bilangan FIBONACCI . Itu tuh bilangan yang bilangan berikutnya ditambah dengan bilangan sebelumnya. Secara matematis rumusnya yang a(2n-b) itu kalo gak salah. Ohoho~


Udah deh nih saya kasih rumusnya:

$N = 6;

$a = 1;

$b = 1;

echo "$a $b ";

for ($i=0;$i<=$N;$i++){

            $sNow = $a + $b;

            echo "$sNow ";

            $a = $b;

            $b = $sNow;


Hasilnya bakal jadi : 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34


Atau kalau mau pake array :


// fungsi untuk menampilkan deret fibonacci sebanyak n

function deretFibonacci($n) {

// defenisi variable berupa array

$fibonacciArray = array();


$fibonacciArray[0] = 0; // set nilai array ke 0

$fibonacciArray[1] = 1; // set nilai array ke 1


// generate deret

for ($x=2; $x<$n; $x++) {

$fibonacciArray[$x] = $fibonacciArray[$x-2] + $fibonacciArray[$x-1];



// return value array

return $fibonacciArray;


// menampilkan deret Fibonacci sebanyak 10

echo implode(" ", deretFibonacci(10));


Hasilnya : 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 (sama ja kan gan?!)

Yang Lain ni Bilangan Prima


function bilangan_prima($limit) {

$prima = array();


for ($i=2; $i<=$limit; $i++) $prima[$i] = true;

 $akarLimit = (int)sqrt($limit);

for ($i=2; $i<=$akarLimit; $i++)


if ($prima[$i])


for ($j=$i*$i; $j<=$limit; $j+=$i)


$prima[$j] = false;




$i = 0;

foreach ($prima as $bilangan=>$status)



if ($status) {echo "$bilangan ";$i++;



echo "

Jumlahnya:". $i;





Ini versi rumitnya gan . .


Versi gampangnya :





                        echo "$i"." ";


            else if($i==3)


                        echo "$i"." ";


            else if($i%2 !=0 && $i%3 !=0)


                        echo "$i"." ";



selamat mencobaa!!



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